In collaboration with Natalie Jeremijenko
A selection of 80ies and 90ies silicon valley corporated visions of the Future dubbed onto a Back to the Future VHS tape.
1987 Ameritech, Electronic Homes (08:11min)
1987 Apple, Knowledge Navigator (05:58min)
1988 Apple, Grey Flannel (08:02min)
1990 Motorola, 2000 A.D. (06:23min)
1991 Pacific Bell, Concept Video (08:40min)
1993 AT&T, Visions of the Future (14:12min)
1993 Sun, Starfire (15:42min)
1996 Philips, Vision of the Future (13:27min)
1998 NEC, New Ways of Communicating (02:43min)
1987 Apple, Knowledge Navigator (05:58min)
1988 Apple, Grey Flannel (08:02min)
1990 Motorola, 2000 A.D. (06:23min)
1991 Pacific Bell, Concept Video (08:40min)
1993 AT&T, Visions of the Future (14:12min)
1993 Sun, Starfire (15:42min)
1996 Philips, Vision of the Future (13:27min)
1998 NEC, New Ways of Communicating (02:43min)