A weekend celebrating the exchange of biologists, artists, engineers and designers. Mac Cowell and I have been organizing a lecture series and a three day hackathon and camp-out in our venue in Brooklyn and another weekend in Boston to develop imaginative make/shift devices and prototypes interacting with biological systems to investigate the future of biotechnologies.

April 8th, 2011
Jonah Brucker Cohen - "Scrapyard Challenge"
Mackenzie Cowell - "Tools of the Trade: roundtrip SB prototyping"
Ellen Jorgensen - "Genspace"
Adam Bly - "Visualizing the Exhaust"
Marius Watz - "Makerbot Residency"
James Patten - "Playing with the invisible"
Usman Haque - "Skype call - Pachube Hackathon London"
Amanda Parkes - "Scalable Algae Photobioreactors"
Beatriz da Costa - "Endangered Species Finder"
Richard Pell - "Using online tools to track GMO's”
Mark Siegal - "Survival in an uncertain environment: watching cells hedge their bets"
Bre Pettis - "Physical Mashups"
Chris Woebken - "Prototyping messy futures"

April 9th, 2011
Oliver Medvedik - "Better Living through Synthetic Biology"
Stuart Candy - "Prototyping Societies"
Richard Pell - "Test site rodents and Insects Microscopy in 3D”
Sung-Won-Lim - "HAM stratospheric microbiome sampler"
Natalie Jeremijenko - "Evolution matters; {code of when synthetic biology is misleading}”
Aviv Bergman - "Invariant traits"
Miriam Simun - "Human Cheese"